Random collection of wonderful, expressive, artful and delightful things, entries, pictures text and stuff.
A collection of beautiful, wonderful works from all around the real world. Really.

- Mark
- Central, Massachusetts, United States
- I like using ellipsis... My monicker represents my keen awareness of my limitations... ... the suspense is killing...
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
MemeWars08.27.10 (Parenthetical edition)
the brief guide
less TV, more reading
less shopping, more outdoors
less clutter, more space
less rush, more slowness
less consuming, more creating
less junk, more real food
less busywork, more impact
less driving, more walking
less noise, more solitude
less focus on the future, more on the present
less work, more play
less worry, more smiles
(...How 'bout YOU?)
I won't get this done by Labor Day! (But I'd like to try.)
Photo tips for small objects (like for ebay)
Break up the Banks (the bastards!)
That is all.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
From my favorite blog: BoingBoing.net
RSA Animate - 21st century enlightenment
Mark Frauenfelder at 1:43 PM Wed
RSA's Animate videos -- in which a talented illustrator draws images as as a speaker presents a topic -- are incredible. In this one, "Matthew Taylor explores the meaning of 21st century enlightenment, how the idea might help us meet the challenges we face today, and the role that can be played by organisations such as the RSA."
Take a moment or three to enjoy!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
MemeWars08.23.10 Back-from-Vacation Edition
Friday, August 6, 2010
MemeWars08.06.10: Vacation edition!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Happy Anniversary!! Coast Guard Celebrates 220th Anniversary
Coast Guard Celebrates 220th Anniversary
August 04, 2010U.S. Coast Guard-->
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Coast Guard celebrates 220 years of service to America today.
From its genesis as the Revenue Marine, the Coast Guard has evolved to become the world’s premier multi-mission, maritime service, conducting operations around the globe to execute its 11 missions.“Coast Guardsmen are agile, adaptable and multi-missioned,” said Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Robert J. Papp Jr. “Born as revenue cuttermen, lighthouse keepers, steamboat inspectors and surfmen, we have expanded to meet the maritime needs of our nation. As Coast Guard men and women, we share a bond of pride in our rich heritage and a common purpose to uphold our honorable traditions.”
Semper Paratus! I'm proud to have served and never floated. Imagine that!
(Always Ready!)
Spider eats a lightning bug in a thunderstorm
I'm probably going to buy this.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
R2 and the STS-133 Crew
The STS-133 mission is targeted to lift off in November.
Space historians will note that R2 will thus become the first "humanoid robot" to reach orbit,
as well as the first American-built robot to get to the space station.
This story originally appeared on CBSNews.com