Monday, March 30, 2020

Mind over Matter...

What we think about expands into reality. But what if you're overwhelmed, can't think clearly or worse have others who depend on you for answers you don't have? Time to meditate? Yes! It relieves powerlessness, creates connections to answers, and returns one to a fresh, new starting point to begin again.
We can fight stress like a warrior!
Like This:

'Stay the F*ck at Home!'

For all you know-it-all youngsters out there who want to defy authority:
'Stay the F*ck at Home!'

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What you think about expands into reality...

While we're all looking for things to not feel so helpless and hopeless about, pay some attention here:

Monday, March 23, 2020

U.S. Map of Coronavirus spread...

Here's a good link to the New York Times Coronavirus spread map:

Disturbing, effective information.)

NYT: U.S. map of Coronavirus

Take time to SIT...

Taking in a ton of information daily can become exhausting and causes dis-ease.
Take time to SIT: listen to the snow fall, do nothing. Think nothing. Listen.

When you need to 'tune-in' again, Trust your Self, you will.
Then, as if breathing, 'tune-out' with the same Trust, let go and sit.
Do Nothing: Successfully!

...and when you 'tune-in' again stay connected!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Nothing RULES!

In the spirit of the times; of sacrifice, stress, worry and, yes, at times fear and terror: We, the People, will survive this having learned so much more about why it is, and just what is, so precious as LIFE. We're undertaking a struggle that is best served with Honor, Truth, Love - the Real BIG important things. Our country begins in the home. And, here we all are...
... Doing Nothing. It's not easy, in fact it is a struggle mostly. But it is worth LIFE.

I've been Doing Nothing so long and so successfully, I totally got away with returning to this blog at this critical Moment in Time, at just the right Moment in Time! (I'll update with the dates below.)

To my family, loved getting together today online and Thanks Nick for the encouragement. I am so proud of all three of you guys, I struggle to let you know it sufficiently! I love you and love the way you come together 'cuz you know what's what. The Real BIG things.

Update: It's been seven very interesting years of Doing Nothing: Successfully!

'Til Then -Do Nothing! OM.

Let's go out with this:

Turn on speakers and stay until the end -(click here)- it's worth the wait!

Wish List